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What about creating memories?

Hello Lovebugs!!!

Hope you're all feeling great!!

I wanted to talk to you about something that I think is very important but that most people forget about. Yes, it is about creating memories. I mean, it's very important to have memories so that when you get older, you have something to tell your children. These past few years, I've seen people being more concentrated on their computer, phones or even tablets. But do you guys still have human contacts? I mean do you still have dinner with your family or friends without checking your notifications on Facebook or Twitter?

A few years ago, I was addicted to the Internet. I was spending my whole days and nights on my computer and when I had to leave home, my cellphone was always in my hand and I was never checking where I was going because my eyes were always watching my screen. I tell you that because I realized that there are so much more to see if you turn off your computers, cellphones and other connected gadgets. I realized that I didn't need Facebook or Twitter or any other social media to stay in touch with my family and friends. My best friend lived only a few house away of mine and I never went there, all I did was talking with here via chats. I was searching for a boyfriend on the web but I finally found him at school.I was losing track of time, I was ignoring people just to be connected, just to do what everyone else does. But I realized that there's nothing like spending time and building memories with family and/or people, friends that you really love and that mean so much in ways they can't always imagine or know. I would not trade these quality and special times for 1 million euros because they just don't have a price but I would fight for these times even if they're short times. They bless my heart so much. The most precious things are those that money can't buy. I believe that even just 5 minutes spent with someone can change his/her life (and/or yours), forever. They are the best investments you can do. Invest in life. Not in the Internet. Turn off your connected life and turn on your real life.

Now, when I go somewhere, I take my camera instead of my phone and I look at everything that is around me and sometimes I come back home with new memories and very beautiful pictures of those precious little things that surround us, and most of the time, I come back with pictures of my friends/ family and I just having fun. So remember to open your eyes and to see the beauty of the world around you.

Tell me what you think about this idea, I'd love to know if you guys tested my methods!

XOXO - So Frenchie.

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