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My boyfriend had an accident...

Today, I wanted to create a post because it's the last day of July. This month has been particularly stressful for me. You already know about my issues with my boyfriend and something happened today. And no it's not a good thing. My boyfriend loves cycling, the fact is that earlier this month, he had an accident. Even though he wasn't injured, he had material problems that brought him to wait about 3 weeks waiting for his ride to be repared. Today was his first day back to his favorite hobby, and he had an accident again... this time, he is physically injured and I'm trully worried... I don't know what I can do for him. He told me he was going to see a doctor at 4:11 PM and at the moment I write this post it is actually 5:00 PM and I still haven't heard of him... I super duper worried for him. I'd like him to stop his hobby but I know I cannot ask him such a thing even though he is injured or have any accident... I don't know what to do about this freaking situation... Please guys, tell me what to do in the comments bellow!!

Love you,

So Frenchie!

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